The chosen

The chosen

 The gift came unwanted to the unworthy. I am a non believer who heals by touch, an ability beyond my understanding but not my contempt. My life's filled with the anguish of others, from this there is no solace. As I said I am unworthy, and had once sought to profit from the suffering of others. To this end I sought out evangelists who were dancing in the flames. These were vile, and corrupt people. These were people I understand. Pulpits were pounded, and people came. It was then I discovered to my horror, my gift went beyond simple healing. Contact with me instilled an overwhelming sense of virtue, and the desire to bring others. I ran away and hid in the most depraved, and morbid of places. Places the virtuous would not walk, but the converted followed in my wake and grew into mobs of desperate longing.

 I was not hard to find, and they brought me to my guilded prison where my days and nights are filled with endless processions of the sick and infirmed. I have lost track of time, days into weeks, and weeks into years, and still they come. The wretched masses filling me with rage, I am bound by that which I am. I once attacked one of my attendants, and although I was trying to choke the life from him I only succeeded in curing his diabetes. I wept for days, though not out of shame, but frustration. My true nature is an embarrassment to those who hold me in their service. My public persona has grown to that of a saint while I suffer their condemnation of the sinner I am. A new world order is rising, spreading like a plague, and I was its unwilling carrier. I do so miss the decadence dance and all that I've laid to waste.

William VanDorin © 2001

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