

 In our arrogance we deny our basic nature, and build our civilizations based on avoidance of all that does not reinforce our perceived superiority. Our culture is based on technologies the masses do not understand, but are enslaved to. We have eliminated the process of natural selection, and in doing so have ceased to evolve. Plagues have swept our world, and decimated our numbers in our failure to adapt. We realized as a species we have doomed ourselves to extinction, but once the path was chosen, we walked it diligently.

 In desperation we escaped to the stars, once again gambling our very survival on technologies far removed from individual comprehension. We searched worlds beyond number, finding only fire and ice. Then we found you. You must understand, our race is dying, and our only chance for survival was to merge with your species. It is galactic evolution at work, and it has happened many times. This planet called Earth, has become our new home, and you are our children. We adapted you to survive here, and have wached over you. We are saddened by the fact you inherited our nature, and soon you too, shall have to escape a world you have ravaged. We tell you this, in the hopes that you will not repeat our mistakes.

William VanDorin © 2001

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