

 Imagine for a moment that you posessed near absolute power, virtually unlimited resources and the responsibility of sustaining a society that teeters on the edge of chaos. You are in this position because the average individual does not want to face the decisions or truths you must confront. They do not want to be the one who risks failure publicly. You are not alone, there are other societies with other individuals in the same position of responsibility for the preservation of their cultures. Corruption runs rampant and rhetoric is dogma, an unavoidable cancer in a system as old as humanity evolved over many millennium. To keep them from focussing on the flaws in the system you must provide them with distractions. Possible scenarios are endless, and they must preoccupy billions. The excepted formula for accomplishing this is first create a fear of change reinforced with graphic previews of what could be.

 You can begin by promoting a strong sense of nationalism which over time can be cultivated into racism, thus dividing the masses. This requires brilliant orchestration to prevent it from becoming genocidal. To achieve a desired value system is a little more difficult, this is best accomplished by exploiting religious dogma. To strengthen the system armed conflict proves marginally effective and an excellent distraction. These wars can be based on religion, territories, ideals and conquest, all serve to regulate our societies, economies and population. Ultimately the population will reach a point where a global war is required to bring down thier numbers This action can be carried out by commity to avoid personal responsibility by any one individual.

 You would assume that the obvious proof of what is being perpetrated on them would become obvious though repetition. To reinforce the perceived reality you must control the media, this is best done in a very discrete manner. Effective tools to achieve this include blackmail, coercion and extortion. You could manipulate history to shape an idealized view of humanity so they do not have to face the truth of what has been, and how many times we have fallen.. They do not wish to see past the familiar allusion because of a carefully controlled fear of what could be with out you.. Once the seed of denial is planted it too can be used as a powerful tool reinforced with miss information. Now imagine this is the system you will have to work within to wield absolute power, if you can imagine another please contact the people of earth with the details... then hide. We will find you any way, but where’s the sport if you do not hide?... We taught you better than that!

William VanDorin © 2001

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