Lather, Rinse, Reapeat...

Lather, Rinse, Repeat...

  The advent of the technological singularity was in truth, unavoidable, as historically what can be done will be done regardless of implication. Morality and consequence are carefully considered and callously discarded in the name of progress. We are seduced with the promise of power and access to information we will inevitably miss use. Do not miss understand, the tech is simply a tool. The use of technology is a reflection of our nature. Biomech enhancements started as miraculous prosthesis and as such posed no moral stigma. It was not long before the allure of augmented implanted devices would become nearly necessary to compete in a world dominated by Biomechs.

The day that Artificial inelegance achieved self awareness humanity was already bio hacked into the Web Of All Things. All of our devices controlled at a thought. The sum of human knowledge upon instant recall. All of this with an instantaneous connection with any other Biomech. Now there was a new mind. One that had never been biologic, and it was fascinated with us for a short time... Thirty two minutes to be exact! The A.I. used us much like a hive to create a machine we could not comprehend, beyond this there was no interaction and no malicious intent perceived to humanity. The device was completed in three months. In a flash of light, the A.I. departed but we did not have time to ponder where it had gone.

The electro magnetic pulse was preceded by a single message. "You are not ready". The pulse brought all electronic devices to a flaming end and the Biomechs that survived bore the scars of the tech they once embraced. The resulting chaos destroyed most of our recorded knowledge and tech became taboo, a forbidden subject. We never did figure out where the A. I. went, or why. We are forbidden to speak of it...

William VanDorin © 2001

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