The ripper

The ripper

 The hunger crept upon me with insatiable desire. Solace eludes me, and I exist in a state of profound agitation. I do not know the cause of this affliction of the soul but, I am acutely aware of the malady. Faceless people wander by like animated maniquins, devoid of identity. Redundant events fill my life, and yesterday becomes tomorrow, no variance from dawn to dawn. I long for a release from what I've become, but am filled with cold trepidation of the unknown. An intense self loathing is focussed into unreasoning hatred, and evil deeds are done for reasons as dark as my mind. I am consumed with remorse, and repulsion over the monstrous things I have done, and swear to atone... Once again the hunger creeps upon me.

William VanDorin © 2001

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