White squall

White squall

 The terrible song rings in my ears still, a sound which I cannot quell. It came softly, caressing the senses in a warm embrace of soothing tones. My mind reeled, as the sound transported me to places I could not imagine, and showed me visions that cannot be committed to memory. Only a vague recollection remains. The sea kept time as the song built in tempo, the melody became discordant, and malice crept into the movement. The sky darkened, as the waves churned and boiled around our small craft. The cries of my crew lost in the turmoil, and still the music roared in my ears. Deafening in its intensity, and merciless in its intent. Stripped of my will, I stood at the helm in the raging storm. Then I saw them in the waves, the faces of a thousand souls wailing the laments of loves lost, and lives denied.

 I watched as my crew were taken by the tempest which raged about us, and still the music grew in volume. Desperately, I tried to cover my ears to block out the sound to no avail. As my mind slipped away from me, I surrendered myself to the abyss, and all went dark. I do not know how long I was adrift on the scrap of wreckage, and I do not remember being rescued. How I escaped the fate which befell my men eludes me, but I do remember that terrible sound. The song of the sirens is the last sound I ever heard. Silence now fills my world, I have been deaf since that day. I told others in the beginning what had happened, and was not believed. In the Caribbean, the sirens sing still. I know this to be true, you see the terrible song echoes in my mind, and I shall never escape it...

William VanDorin

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