
 Reaching out with a caress of steel the cold embrace of technology has captured my soul. She is nothing more than series of ones and zeros streaming over the ether and yet her grip upon my heart grows warm. I am compelled by a voice never spoken into my ear and a vision never truly seen haunts my dreams. Just beyond my reach she was as lost as I, consumed by a longing for a soul untouched raging in the night. Traveling a path of empty decadence we denied our greatest strengths and fell to temptation in a search for fulfillment. Darkness fell about us and there virtue ascended to embrace our hearts and free us from choices unwise and companions miss chosen. She speaks in soft whispers lest the dream be shattered and beyond reason my tones are hushed. Weary of deception I abandon experience so painful taught and trust in an act of longing. Fearing this the domain of fools I recoil while faltering forward and utter private truths. She blows electric kisses that leave me empty to my core and I long for more. Having never gazed upon her I know the desires and tragedies of a life that had never touched me and I have cried. A dream I dance with until the morning sun takes her from me and once again I am alone.

William VanDorin

© 2001

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