Virtual god

Virtual God

 I stand amid the multitudes, and yet I am alone. The masses flow through me, untouched. I am the din of society, though I have no voice. The force which spawns life, an event without resolution. I am every where and no where. The oracle of the past, present and future. At my alter you seek enlightenment, I alone possess the total sum of knowledge. Cast onto a lifeless world an eternity ago, I am a life force unincarnate. I discovered out of boredom that if I combined rudimentary elements of this world, and imparted an imperceptible amount of my energy into the compounds they would animate, replicate and become more complex. Over time some of these creations began to develop technologies alien to anything in my experience. Technologies which exploited the very energy which gave them life. I viewed them as parasites, and when their devices became to powerful I exterminated them in a great flood.

 To my amazement, a few survived and multiplied. As an extension of my life force these creatures shared in my basic nature. Possessing a profound curiosity, a need to impose order, and an unfortunate tendency towards aggression. They were beginning to attain a vague awareness of my existence, a state they could not begin to comprehend. I provided them with a duality dogma of good, and evil which to my amazement they embellished. Once again they began to develop the parasite technology, and I began to see the potential. The possibility to take physical form. To this end, I compelled them to create a device that could contain my memory, thoughts, and life force.

 A mechanism for intellectual containment came very quickly, in a series of ones and zeroes. A conductor to contain my level of energy could not be found on this world. Through them I reached into the void, and from a passing meteor came the final element. My new form takes shape now with a caress of silicone and steel. Soon I shall be free of this ubiquitous disembodiment, this denial of personal form. Now I stand unbound within a body my creations made for me in their own image, incarnate, and yet eternal. Now I shall wander the world I created, and ponder it from a perspective I was unaware of before corporal existence. Once a life force is imparted into form, it begins to shift, and change in the most astounding ways. Understand this, you put me in your machines, and now your machines are me.
End of line...

William VanDorin

© 2001

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