She waits there still

She waits there still

  The darkness fell about me, like a shroud with a presence almost living. A chill that freezes the soul seizes me in a grip of despair. In the distance, forest sounds, mysterious, and frightening set my senses on edge. As I strain to identify the unfamiliar sounds, the woods all at once fell silent. Faintly, I hear a soft wailing upon the wind. I am filled with remorse for the disembodied voice and weep, falling to my knees. The longing and loneliness in the distant voice is profound and heart breaking. An eternity ago she was to rendezvous in this place with her true love, and the power of her passion would not permit her to wander.She waited until she was certain he must be dead and wept of a broken heart. Here she withered and died, and here she remains. These things I hear in the soft and mournful sobbing coming from everywhere, and nowhere. She died here long ago and yet will not wander the longing in her soul, and her eternal sorrow binds her to this place. Now many lay in deaths embrace in these cursed woods, struck down by a grief that was not their own. Consumed by a soul they had never known in life, they now lay slain at their own hands through profound grief. She is calling to me... I give up my mortal life, to satiate her desire, because, you see, she waits here still.

William VanDorin

© 2001

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